Sunday, July 1, 2012


Some days I don't drink enough water and I feel dehydrated.  No silly, that's not what this post is about!  It's about playing with my friend Kerry's dehydrator, and fruit of course!  I know I said I wasn't going to go on about cherries anymore but I still had some in the fridge and I had to do something before they went bad.  I even made more pop tarts.  My neighbor and friend Kerry mentioned that she had a dehydrator in her pantry.  I asked her if I could play with it and she so nicely said yes.  I have had a dehydrator on my wish list of some time now, at least 2 years.  I've researched them and forgot and researched them and forgot and the cycle goes on.

Fast forward to yesterday and I got the dehydrator from my friend and started to use it.  I got to work pitting the rest of the cherries.  After I pitted the cherries I pureed some raspberries, that I picked, strawberries that I bought and cherries that I, well you know the answer to that.  I also wanted to try my hand at fruit leather.  I looked up how long to dehydrate for and the answers varied tremendously.  One site even said 90-100 hours for dehydrating cherries!!  That's a LONG time!  Someone else's blog said 8 hours.  So I figured I would wait until morning and see how long it took.  That way they wouldn't finish in the night and then keep going until morning and I wouldn't wake to ashes.  :/  That wouldn't be very tasty.  Well I put the puree on the special mats and I think I will need to try my hand at leather another time.  This batch didn't turn out well.  Some of it did.  I didn't make sure it was all even thickness.  So some parts of the leather were too dry and others too moist.  I couldn't peel half of it off and some was still mushy.  I did get some and the strips that I did get off were tasty.  In the future I will try it again so that I can get good at it.  Maybe when I get my own machine?  (I hope my husband is reading this although he already bought my birthday present.  Maybe anniversary? hint hint)  Did I mention I love him?  A lot?  :)

The berries before puree.  

The fruit leather dehydrating.  (I did get a picture of the actual leather but on my other camera.  It's getting late, so they will have to wait.)

This morning I halved the pitted cherries and placed them skin side down on the trays.  I turned on the machine and let it go and looked at the clock, 8:30 am.  At around 5 pm was when I finally liked the texture of some of the cherries.  Some where done and others needed more time. I took the ones that were done out and let the others keep going.  I think they are finally all done, it's 9:00 at night now.  So I'd say anywhere from 8-12 hours for all my cherries.  (Some were fatter than others.)  Now, I have not too many but some delicious dried sweet cherries.  I am going to put these into my granola bars right away.  If I have more left over I think we will just eat them as snacks.  Maybe if I have my dehydrator by next cherry season, ahem!, I will be able to dehydrate a bunch more and then we will make them last and I will figure out the best way for us to store dried cherries.  For now, I'll just gobble them up and I bet both kids and the husband will help.  (I'll be out by tomorrow night!)

The pitted cherries before dehydration.
During dehydration.
Finished product in a bowl 1/4 the size of the original blue bowl.  Yummy!


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