Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Taste of Summer

Saturday was the first day of the Farmer's Market here in Boise. If you have followed my blog you would know that I am an avid Farmer's Market goer. London and I tend to go almost every Saturday. It was supposed to rain but then when we woke up it was sunny and not a cloud in the sky. We got dressed, jumped in the car and London was licking her lips saying over and over "Croissants!" Yes, it has been our tradition to always buy a croissant from a local French cafe and someone did not forget that tradition. She was a little disappointed when they said they were out of the ham and cheese ones but settled for a chocolate one. (So sad I know.) :) For the first day it was so crowded. I have mixed emotions about the crowds. I feel sad that it's not so intimate but happy that more people are eating locally and supporting the farmer's of Idaho. They have expanded the size but there were still so many people. A few of my favorite performers were there and London got to enjoy the music while eating her croissant. It's still pretty early and even though the Farmer's were there, they didn't have much to offer. A few had some bags of lettuce but that was about it. I know in the next couple weeks they will start to have delicious asparagus and peas. I love fresh spring asparagus, so tender and full of flavor.
London has always been pretty shy with other little kids and it takes her a while to get comfortable enough to talk and then play with them. This week she surprised me and made a couple immediate friends while playing in some grass. They were holding hands and running around. When they had to say goodbye they gave each other hugs. It made the day even better. But I'd have to say the very best thing about that day was the sun. I finally got a taste of early summer and I can now say that I am craving it. This summer will be very different with a new baby joining us in everything we do. I am so tired of the cold and the rain. I am ready, more than ready, for the warmth of the sun on my body and open windows in my house. Hopefully it will come soon so we can get some outside play going on.

With that, I encourage you all to go out and find your local Farmer's Market and go browse. Even if all you do is browse, there is a great feel out there. People are happy enjoying the outdoors and looking at what all their local craftsmen and farmer's have to offer. You can then go home feeling rejuvenated and positive about what's going on out there in your area. It's a great start to the weekend, or if it's midweek and great pick me up.
